Thursday, November 15, 2012

Count Your Many Blessings

I don't have any pictures today, but I still want to document that this week has had its ups and downs with just usual mom stuff and my grandmother is having surgery today and her health is not good. But, in spite of all the worries and complaints I want to praise God for a few blessings that have been given this week. Emma has joined a children's choir (in English!!) and her first practice was yesterday. She had an awesome time!! She loved it and there were other kids in her group that were her age and she seemed to make friends easily. It is such an answered prayer for her to find an activity. Also, on the way to the practice we met a young lady that asked us for directions to the same place we were going. She was very sweet and I asked her if she was looking for a job and she said she was wanting to babysit part-time. I literally jumped up and said "I NEED a part-time sitter"! She probably thinks I am a little crazy (maybe so), but she gave me her contact information and we set up that we would correspond to set up a time to meet so that I could learn more about her and see if that is something that would work out. It may not, and I am OK with that. But, the blessings I felt by just the possibilities to have someone to help me with the kids has brightened my whole day. There have been a couple of activities that I could have taken Emma to, or Jarred and I could have gone, but we have no one to call and help with the kids. So knowing someone is available will make life so much easier on Mom. I continue to pray that the right person will be brought into our lives.

Another blessing that has raised my spirits this week is a lady's Bible study at the American church in Paris. They provide childcare so the kids got to play and have fun and I was able to visit and study with a very sweet and encouraging group of women. Most of the women are from other countries, so they have all been through what we are going through. They have already given me more information in 48 hours than I was able to muster up in 6 weeks. Thank you, thank you Jesus for putting this group in my life. I am already looking forward to next week and I pray that I can also be a blessing to the other women. I can tell you that I think they are rather intrigued with my "Southern" accent.

And last, I am so obsessed with this little produce market under our apartment. It is a few doors down, but very close. The men that work there speak very little English, but the kids and I have gone there almost daily for weeks now. (we love fruit!) We went this morning and these grown men play with the kids and peel oranges for them to eat right there. It is just a neat experience that I hope to not forget. The man gave me (yes, no pay) some herbs to keep growing in my kitchen today. It was the nicest thing anyone has done for me since I have been here. I now have a reminder of their kindness in my kitchen.

I am just trying to remember and document the little things of this experience as well as the big ones. Also, please say a little prayer for my grandmother and our entire family today. We are a big, crazy family that really, really loves each other and I so wish I was there with them today.

Until Next Time,

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